Shalom Television
Shalom Television is a not-for-profit, state-of-the-art Television and production facility dedicated to answering a critical need: to provide millions of viewers with quality, value-oriented Catholic Television - 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, reaching millions of households. Each moment of airtime brings viewers a step closer to peace.
Helping families and communities strengthen in faith, our publications offer spiritual guidance to millions of people, guiding them toward true devotion to Christ. Inspiring testimonies and heartwarming stories of conversion can elevate your relationship with God to the next level. Articles published in our newspaper educate the faithful about updates in the Catholic Church, calling them to stay together.
Helping families and communities strengthen in faith, our publications offer spiritual guidance to millions of people, guiding them toward true devotion to Christ. Inspiring testimonies and heartwarming stories of conversion can elevate your relationship with God to the next level. Articles published in our newspaper educate the faithful about updates in the Catholic Church, calling them to stay together.